The ADC-ICT organises a Mock Trial each year, together with the International Criminal Law Bureau. The Mock Trial is a one-week event held in The Hague. The week includes five hands-on evening sessions for young professionals in the field of international criminal law and a one-day Mock Trial exercise in the UN-IRMCT courtroom in front of international Judges and Counsel.
The evening sessions focus on practical skills and expertise and are given by experienced Counsel to prepare participants for a career in international criminal law. Topics include "legal drafting", "oral trial advocacy", "opening and closing statements" and "ethics in international criminal law". Participants will be requested to make written filings in teams as well as perform in the courtroom on the day of the Mock Trial in front of judges.
It is anticipated that the Mock Trial will be video recorded and provided to participants afterwards.
Photos from previous Mock Trial events are available in the gallery.
Mock Trial 2024
The 2024 advocacy training and mock trial will take place between Tuesday 18 June and Monday 24 June. Registration is available below.
Provisional Schedule:
Tuesday 18 June - Introduction and Legal Drafting - 15.00 - 19.00 - Marie O'Leary
Wednesday 19 June - Oral Advocacy for Defence - 16.00 - 19.00 - Annie O'Reilly
Thursday 20 June - Oral Advocacy for Prosecution - 16.00 - 19.00 - Pubudu Sachithanadan
Friday 21 June - Opening and Closing Statements - 16.00 - 18.00 - Geoff Roberts
Friday 21 June - Legal Ethics - 18.00 - 19.00 - Geoff Roberts
Monday 24 June - Mock Trial in Courtroom - 09.00 - 17.00 - International Judges

I thought the mock trial was a great event. It felt as real as possible and the Judges were of really high quality in terms of their interjections throughout the day, I thought it was fantastic!
I thoroughly enjoyed the mock trial. I thought it was a great learning experience, and it was fantastic to have the opportunity to practice in a "real life" type situation. The feedback was very useful.
I thought the Judges were great. They were professional and asked probing questions that forced you to stretch your knowledge. It felt like real trial.