ADC-ICT/OKO Training in Sarajevo - 6 June 2019
On 6 June 2019, the ADC-ICT, in cooperation with the Criminal Defence Section of the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OKO),...

ADC-ICT Career Day - University of Groningen
ADC-ICT President, Dragan Ivetic, was kindly invited to speak at the University of Groningen’s NEXUS Student Association’s Career Day on...

On 13 May 2019, the ADC-ICT issued a press release which expressed its concern at the accusations made by Florence Hartmann regarding...

ADC-ICT Submits Amicus Brief to President of the UN IRMCT on Early Release
On 24 April 2019, the ADC-ICT submitted an amicus curiae brief to the President of the UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal...

University of Groningen Assist ADC-ICT with Project on Early Release, Commutation of Sentence and Pa
On 12 April 2019, the final report of three students from the University of Groningen was presented to the ADC-ICT on early release,...

ADC-ICT Hosts Group of Lawyers from Republika Srpska Bar Association
On 22 March 2019, the ADC-ICT hosted a group of lawyers from the Bar Association of Republika Srpska who visited the IRMCT. The President...

ADC-ICT Annual Conference 2019
On 16 February 2019, the ADC-ICT held its annual conference in The Hague. The title of the conference was 'International Criminal Law -...

ADC-ICT Elects New President and Committee Members
On Saturday 8 December 2018, the ADC-ICT held its General Assembly and elections. Mr. Dragan Ivetic was elected as President for the...

ADC-ICT Issues Press Release on Lack of Gender Representation on List of Nominations for Judges at t
On 26 November 2018, the ADC-ICT issued a Press Release expressing its deep regret at the lack of gender representation on the list of...

ADC-ICT Files Request to Appear as Amicus Curiae in Nzuwonemeye Case at UN IRMCT
On 10 September 2018, the ADC-ICT filed a request to appear as amicus curiae in the case of Francois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye at the UN...

ADC-ICT Issues Statement on the Death of Dragoslav Ognjanović
The ADC-ICT has issued the following statement on the murder of Dragoslav Ognjanović: The Association of Defence Counsel practising...

ADC-ICT Mock Trial 2018
The ADC Mock Trial took place on Monday 25 June 2018, twenty participants took part in Courtroom 1 at the International Residual...

Defence Perspectives on International Criminal Justice Lecture Hosted by the Grotius Centre
On 29 May 2018, a number of ADC-ICT representatives took part in a panel on defence perspectives at the international courts and...