ADC-ICT to be Represented at the ICTY/MICT Open Day
On Sunday 24 September, the ICTY and MICT will be open as part of The Hague International Justice Open Day. Throughout the day there will...

ADC-ICT Annual Conference 2017
The ADC-ICT Annual Conference 2017 will take place in The Hague on 9 December. The title of this year's conference is: 'International...

Building a Case Advocacy Training
On Saturday 9 September 2017, a training day was conducted by Colleen Rohan at the ICTY/MICT and covered the topic of Building a Case...

Persuasion by Paper - Legal Written Advocacy Training Day
On Saturday 29 July the ADC-ICT held a training day on written legal advocacy which was conducted by Dragan Ivetic, ADC-ICT...

ADC-ICT Launches its Online Legal Training Portal
On 13 July 2017, the ADC-ICT launched its Online Legal Training Portal. The Portal includes courses which have been conducted by the...

Group of Lawyers from Ancona Visit the ICTY/MICT
On Friday 30 June 2017, a group of ten lawyers from Ancona, Italy, visited the ICTY and MICT. They were given presentations by ICTY staff...

ICTY Sarajevo Legacy Conference
The final ICTY Legacy Conference is taking place between 22 and 24 June in Sarajevo. The ADC President, Branko Lukic, Vice President,...

ADC June Newsletter Published
On 20 June 2017, the ADC published its monthly newsletter. The issue includes news from the ADC-ICT, the Mechanism for International...

ADC-ICT Represented at ICC Legal Aid Consultations
On 19 June 2017, Dragan Ivetic, Vice President and Dominic Kennedy, Head of Office attended a day of consultations at the ICC on the...

ADC Mock Trial 2017
The ADC Mock Trial took place on Saturday 17 June 2017, twenty five participants took part in Courtroom 1 at the ICTY/MICT. The fictional...

ADC Mock Trial Week Commences
On Monday 12 June, the ADC's annual Mock Trial commenced. The week long training includes lectures on trial advocacy, legal drafting,...

Group of Lawyers from Bologna Visit the Tribunal
On Friday 2 June 2017, a group of lawyers from Bologna visited the Tribunal and were given a presentation by ADC Vice President, Dragan...

ADC launches New Name of the Association
The Association of Defence Counsel practising before the ICTY changed its name on 1 June 2017 to the 'Association of Defence Counsel...