Defence Interns Visit Serbian Embassy
On 13 May 2016, ten ADC-ICTY interns visited the Serbian Embassy in The Hague. The interns were hosted by Saša Obradović, the Legal...

Lecture on Expert Evidence
On 7 May 2016, the ADC-ICTY hosted a lecture by Mark MacDonald, a criminal defence barrister in Mansfield Chambers in London. The topic...

Legal Drafting Advocacy Training
The ADC-ICTY held an Advocacy Training Seminar on Saturday 16 April 2016. The training was conducted by Ms. Colleen Rohan on the subject...

Defence Interns Visit Eurojust
On 1 April 2016, a study visit was made to the Eurojust Headquarters in The Hague. A presentation was given by Tatiana Janewicz, Senior...

Defence Interns Visit the New ICC Premises
On Friday 26 February 2016, around 15 ADC-ICTY interns visited the newly opened International Criminal Court. The interns were greeted by...

Annual Conference and Training 2015
The ADC-ICTY Annual Conference took place in the Worldhotel Bel Air, The Hague, on 5 December. The keynote speech was delivered by Judge...

ADC-ICTY Recognised as Association for MICT
On 24 August, the Registrar of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (the MICT) officially recognised the ADC-ICTY as an...

Advocacy Training on Expert Witnesses
This one day training was conducted by Dragan Ivetic and included practical exercises and the use of audio-video material from the ICTY...

ADC-ICTY/ICLB Mock Trial 2015
The ADC-ICTY and ICLB organised another edition of their Mock Trial in July 2015. 25 participants from various countries, tribunals and...

Advocacy Training - June 2015
This training was conducted by Marie O'Leary in June 2015 and covered matters relating to the proofing of witnesses at the international...

Advocacy Training - May 2015
Chris Gosnell presented a training session on preparing for oral arguments.

Advocacy Training April 2015
This training was conducted in April 2015 and covered matters relating to drating motions and final briefs before the international courts.

Advocacy Training - March 2015
Mr. Michael Karnavas conducted a training on Evidence and Objections in March 2015 at the ICTY.