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ADC-ICT Appoints Focal Points on ICTR and ICTY Residual Issues

The ADC-ICT Executive Committee has appointed two new focal points to assist them in their work after issuing a call for expressions of interest to members. Mr. Arnold Laisser has been appointed as the Focal Point for ICTR Residual Issues and Ms. Mirjana Vukajlovic has been appointed as the Focal Point for ICTY Issues.

The role of the ICTY and ICTR Focal Points is to ensure that the ADC-ICT Executive Committee has current information and expert advice as regards residual issues that are specific to the former ICTY and ICTR.

The two Focal Points will actively follow developments in their respective regions that relate to the residual issues relevant to the ICTY and ICTR, and seek to inform themselves of these in detail, engaging with the ADC membership where necessary. They will have an open line of communication with the ADC President and Executive Committee, and should raise issues about which the ADC Executive Committee should be informed, and could potentially act to the benefit of its membership.



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